Tag: Loan

Understanding Seller Financing
Posted on 03/01/2022
Understanding Seller Financing
In real estate transactions, homebuyers have to obtain some kind of financing. Typically, this additional monetary support comes from a third party institution like a bank or mortgage lender. However, sometimes the seller may also offer financing directly. There are many options available depending on the specific need and situation. Here is a basic overview of seller financing...
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New Home? Don't Forget Your Financial Checklist
Posted on 02/22/2022
New Home? Don't Forget Your Financial Checklist
Photo by PhotoMIX Company from Pexels Sometimes getting ready to buy a home feels stressful. But it doesn't have to be when you take clear steps to get financially ready for the exciting world of homeownership. Here are a few quick items to consider before stepping into your new home. Do You Have a Down Payment? Depending on...
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